Friday, May 8, 2015

Broken Tales (2)

Struggling with the heavy eyelids, he could finally open his eyes. His head hurt and felt like a heavy rock. His lips were dry. ‘What time is it?’ he wondered. Weakness was grabbing him all over. Unable to lift himself, he gave in to the dizziness again.

At the same time in some other part of the world, a girl was talking relentlessly. Her constant animated mannerism appeared funny to most. What was funnier was how she dressed herself at that time in the morning. Of course she was not going to party at that time, was she! She was lost in herself, it seemed. She did not care to move though. She couldn't anyway. Doctors and nurses listened to her blabber patiently.

While she was living through the last morning of her life, he swore to himself not to party hard again and rolled back to sleep.